Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday morning garden post

I just uploaded some recent garden pictures so I'll just add some words for a quick post before work.
My snow peas are very tall, and getting flowers. I need to add the next bit of ties so they can grow taller.
My jalapeno plant that I bought is just starting to get the beginnings of peppers; but, this is a tiny habanero on the plant my sister gave me. It was wilted and on the very of being compost, but a little water perked it right up...and now look at it!
This was my first batch of radishes. You can see one purple one from the 'Easter Egg Mix' that I planted. Mostly I am getting the basic red ones, as the others don't seem to be filling out into radishes. I still prefer the red one for taste. The purple one was spicy to the point where it wasn't really tasty...it may have been too early, so I will give them all another shot.
This was my first bucket of potatoes. I was suppose to keep covering the new growth with fresh dirt/compost, but as you can see...the bucket is only so tall. This one was smaller than the size I wanted to use. I guess we wait and see what we get. I believe they will be ready when the green parts start to yellow and wilt. I planted a bigger bucket with a bag of red potatoes that sprouted in my kitchen. They are growing as well!!
I got extra points with my mother-in-law when I told her I planted Edammame this year. I sure hope I get some and can have some to share with her this September. They still seem to be growing...they're all fuzzy! I'm waiting to see if I need to add trellis for them...I'm not sure if they vine up? I have my bamboo stakes and twine ready, though.

I will have to get some new shots of my privet hedge and bamboo soon. Everything seems to be doing okay. My only complaint: I bought 5 bare root hedges for $25, which I thought was great. I bought 3 EIGHT FOOT hedges for $30 each...also=great. The problem? Only one of the $5 hedges seems to be growing...so, in essence, I paid $25 for a 2' bare root hedge!! Live and learn.
WARNING: this next bit is a bit of venting...
And going through my pictures, I was looking at all the product I made and sent off to Maine to be sold in a little gift shop LAST JULY. I never got any money. My last email from the woman (IN FEBRUARY) said she'd send my stuff back. She will not return my emails or respond to any letters I've sent. The website for her shop is 'under construction'. I know the woman who was her partner still has a blog, but I never dealt with her, so I don't want to be rude to her. I just want her to respond and I'm getting annoyed to the point where I have to keep myself from doing something stupid (like publicly calling her out). I just really liked the stuff I sent her and wish I could add it to my sad little etsy shop. And I really want her to be a responsible shop owner!! She's turned me off trying consignment, that's for sure. I will post pics of my fav stuff that I will never see again (or get paid for) in a separate post.

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