Thursday, May 13, 2010


This is pretty much how I felt all day. Days off seem to be full of eating bowls of nuts and chocolate chips, watching crappy reality TV, and wishing I was a napper.
This morning, though, I did have things to accomplish. I did most of it, but in my usual style, I lost all my energy and desire to do anything immediately after eating lunch. Oh well, good thing I only have one day off a week, right?
So I needed to get new shoes for work. I had bought a pair of Saucony running shoes when I got my job at the vet hospital, and fell in love with them. They are the most comfortable trainers I have ever owned. I went to the sporting goods store to see if I could find another pair in their clearance section (I rarely pay full price for anything, and generally feel like whatever I pay is always too much)...they had nothing under $65!! On sale!! So I walked down to Marshall's and found a great pair for just $35! I also needed at least another pair of jeans for work at the grocery store. NOTHING! Off to see if I could find a new bra (sorry if that's too personal?)...why is every single bra padded??? So of all the things I needed, I found the shoes. But, since they were the most important bit...I considered it a success.
I actually have a pair that are just a bit too small that I guess I will try to sell at a yard sale or something. I think I'll have to do the same with the cute shoes I got at LLBean, too. I've tried them out, but they are just too wide...damn!

I also needed two more bags of mulch to finish off around my garden beds. Mulch purchased...mulch simply awaits it's seeds to be planted.

I also needed to turn over my compost. I'm using the trash bin method. Every other day or so, I roll it around the yard, but today I dumped the whole thing out and refilled it. There were worms!! Also a ton of ants, though, so I may need to be more diligent about taking care of it.

Also on my list was a trip to the dump, but I didn't have it in me...I need to be in the right state of mind for the dump. I go in, dump my trash or sort my recyclables, and I'm gone in a matter of minutes...but, sometimes I just don't want to do it. And today was one of those days.

I really want to clean and organize my shed, but the sun was shining and and I wanted to soak in some rays. So I pulled out the ol' textbook and did some studying in my back yard...what a great feeling. Warm sun, learning, doggy sitting next to me...aahhh!

However, I have wasted a grand total of 2 hours of this day watching Deadliest Catch and Gilmore Girls. And I'm okay with that, because I know that tomorrow I'm back to work and I get another chance at tackling my list when I get home.
Wish me luck!!


  1. One day off sucks so much!! I am coming up with a plan to work an hour longer each day and get 2 days off a week...I am just in the beginning stages of my thought process though...

  2. Good bras, no padding: Lady Grace. Shoes look comfy!

  3. I second lady grace on good bras. They still make all the old school too, so the 50's shape is so flattering and comfy, it lifts and makes one look younger, I am not sure why modern bras want you to have to smooth lumps like some creepy modern Barbie.
    You do love your Gilmore Girls, I still think there is something to that, somewhere inside of you, a hidden mommy or lover of family. But, we know how that can be a hard thing to be/have in this family!
