Wednesday, March 11, 2009

And there goes the morning...

My life seems to be turning in a way I had not expected. With hubby out of work (well, 9-5, 'here's your paycheck' work) I thought I would still be okay. But as time goes by, and he sends out his resume, and he gets 'rejected'...well, the panic starts to set in. All he has ever wanted was to be a freelance artist/illustrator. And it seems, through losing his job and causing me grey hairs (yes, I -at age 35- finally have my first 'OMG there it is' grey hair for all the world to see), he has finally hit the ground running with his dream. He has picked up a few jobs in the past few days, so things DO look promising. But it's's pay-per-job. Once it's done, we're back to square one: me working 5am -3pm, to come home to take care of the cat (thank goodness he walks the dog while he's home!), squeeze in an hour ( HOUR... I NEED it, please give me this one thing!) to workout, and then a little time to try to be creative.
What's my problem?? Well, my problem is that I want to work in my studio. I want the weather to get warmer (so not something I really look forward to...heat, yuck!) so that it's not 30below zero in the basement so that I can work without frozen fingers.

Why am I complaining so much? Probably because I am usually at work right now, being distracted by OTHER PEOPLE'S problems so I just don't know what to do with myself.
It was my intention to use this morning to get some things done that I would otherwise have to put off til the afternoon. Yet, here I sit, roaming the internet, catching up on blogs, emails, internet sales (no, I'm not buying anything...unfortunately). I was hoping to get some new pictures taken for some new etsy listings but it's gray and cloudy...the light and mood are not right for me.

Hubby's off to the city today, so I will have an empty house after work (after I go to work for 3 whole hours...what a waste of a day!), maybe I can get some stuff done then. At least I will get to workout (I am determined to lose these 15 pounds!)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, at least you only have to lose 15 pounds and not 75!
    You really sound stressed. I hope Jason is doing some 'homemaking' for you in between freelancing. I know I am able to do all that AND do my blog, which is actually pretty involved with research and stuff. Don't run yourself ragged. I like the etsy by the bye.
