Thursday, April 15, 2010


Yesterday after work, I went out to see a friend (my aunt who is just 4 years older, and so has been my best friend since birth). Her hubby was not due to go to work til later in the day, so she waited and made a big breakfast for us all to have for lunch. Then, we moved outside to have coffee and enjoy the beautiful weather. Generally, when I plan to visit her, it rains. Even when no rain is in the forecast, somehow, I bring it on. We had a laugh about the lack of rain and abundance of sunshine.
She had been telling me of a wholesale plant sale that runs March-June (?) and of the 8 foot privet hedges they currently had. EIGHT FEET! That would instantly block my neighbors! I just got my 5 bare root, 3 foot privet hedges...but these would be so much better. For $30 each, I was on the fence (har har) but Hubby said it would be a good idea, so I went for it. So, how to get them home?? Miraculously, 3 plants fit into my little Chevy! There's no way I could've gotten any more in there, but 3 fit and I was glad for that.

Here they are once I got them home and out of my car. What a workout!
I don't know if you can really tell from this picture, but all three are up and already I can't wait for them to fill in. They are really going to do the trick. Already, a couple times, I didn't realize someone was standing on their deck!
And Moxie was just being cute, wondering if she would get a bit of my sushi...she didn't.

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