Friday, June 10, 2011

a day at the beach

I like to go hang out with Auntie on Thursdays, because I don't have to be home early to get up early the next day. Unfortunately, after all the nice weather, we were of course scheduled for some rain this Thursday. None of us were really surprised, as I have this strange curse over me which makes it rain any time I am planning a trip to see her. I thought it had been lifted but I guess that one time was a fluke!!
At any rate, it did rain all morning...hard, with thunderstorms. But by 10 the sun was out and by the time I got out of work at noon, and got to her place it wasn't bad at all! I had brought my new (old) bike and a little picnic lunch of chips, sandwich, lemonade, baguette and mini brie cheeses. I also brought chocolate, but it was too had to bring it, so we waited until later for that special treat.
Her house if just a hop,skip, and a jump from the Cape Cod Canal. They often ride through the trees and over the train tracks to get to the bike path that runs along the canal.

And that is what we did.
Of course, my basket broke off just a few feet into the ride, but i was able to secure it enough to hold my camera and lip balm...everything else had to go into Aunties basket and/or get bungeed to the rack on the back of her bike. On the way back i realized I could use the ties around my beach blanket to secure the basket back to the handle bars...oh, well, at least i was able to help A LITTLE on the way back.
The tide was out, but coming in. The water was too cold for me.
We rode home against the wind, so i certainly got a workout in with that effort!!
Once we got back to her house, we had more lemonade (this time with some added whiskey...i do love my cocktails!!), watched her chickens, ate some more, and chit-chatted the night away!
She's cleaning out her stuff, so poking through old stuff we laughed about old times and the silly things we would (and, I guess, still) do.
And she gave me this super cool hat!!
Eventually, my sister came home (she lives in a place on the property)...more giggling and memories. Then Uncle came home...he told me I should go to drought-stricken countries to bring them some rain. And i finally left them alone around 9 or so...I got home and was in bed by 10!! That is a super late night for me!! Especially since i was up at 4 that morning (I was lucky enough to have a 'late' start that day...I didn't have to be to work until 5 a.m.).
This morning i was, of course, awake by 5. I decided to get my workout out of the way, and boy was i glad. It was a great workout...the weather was cool, the streets and trail were clear, and now i can enjoy my coffee and admire what one morning of rain can do for my sad little garden. It looks as though stuff has sprouted overnight!!

1 comment:

  1. What fun we had! I was just thinking how nice it was to sit and visit in the living room like adults, drinking coffee and chatting the night away. What fun! I hope you do it again. If we end up in Maine, you will have to go much further to play and visit.
    I will have more things for you, I am sure, so get ready.
    Did you take Daisy and Minnie?
