I am not a social person. I have a history of having a few drinks BEFORE going out, just to get up the nerve to be in a group of people. I hate crowds and avoid them whenever possible. I even park far away to keep away from the crowded parts of parking lots (wow, I sound a lot more crazy when I actually put it out there!). The point is that I don't understand times, like now, when Hubby and I are inundated with social engagements!
They're not major things, like weddings or family reunions, but they seem to be piling up. And now we've added a baseball game to the mix!
We just found out about a charity thing at one of the art foundations a friend is involved in, plus the concerts we're attending in July. There was something else...basically I'm exhausted just thinking about the fact that we have something going on pretty much every weekend in July! How does this happen!?
I have decided to try out Jillian Michaels' online program. I got a great deal on a 6 month subscription. Maybe it will turn out to be lame. Maybe it will finally get rid of these last 10 pounds. Maybe it will drill into my head the things I need to do to continue a healthy lifestyle. I'll keep you all updated...in case any of you cares. 6 months seems like a long time though...
Today, I'm hoping to get out into the garden to finish my garden (my peas and beans are in need of some support). I also have 2 Rocky Mountain Junipers to plant somewhere before they die in their little pots.
Last night we went to see a tiny art opening for some locals. We went because our friend Ian had some photos up. The venue is an old church they are restoring. It's still a church, in that you can get married there...but it's non-denominational, and I don't think they still have regular services there. More like a Vegas chapel! :) It's beautiful, at any rate. And seeing art up, made me want to do something. It's not hard to find inspiration around here, but i sure wish I could find some motivation! I did finish my first 9 shot roll of 120 film using Hubby's Ansco. Unfortunately I have to drive 3 towns over to get it developed...and if I ever want more film. Not sure when that will happen.
And that's about it in my world. Tons of stuff to try to get done today...let's see if I can make the most of my day off this week?!