Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Today I will be alone for HOURS. No work, no in-laws, no hubby... Just a few chores (that I may or may not do). I had planned on doing the usual day off stuff: recyclables to the dump, clean the house, bathe the dog, menu planning for the week, banking, call the insurance know, boring stuff I don't really like wasting my day off with.
So then it hit me. This is the first full day alone (usually hubby works only til 1 on Wednesday, but now he's working his computer job which goes til 5). I can actually get into the studio and crank out some stuff! I'm not feeling fully charged with creativity but I have a couple things downstairs that are begging to be have their purposes exposed.
So after a few things that can not be left undone today, I will be spending time on myself, for myself in my tiny studio. Breaks for a workout and lunch, of course, but hopefully at the end of the day I will have some great stuff to shoot for my next post and to put up in my shop.

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