I have only one day off a week, but i still always feel like my week starts on Monday b/c Monday and Tuesdays are my really long days. Those are the days i work at the vet and if it's slow, the day drags on; but, if it's busy, it's just a really long day of getting beat up. So, either way, this job is becoming part of my life that is no longer enjoyable.
I had to bathe a black lab Monday. He was fine for his bath, but he had a 'caution' in his record. I wasn't sure why, so i muzzled him to clean his ears, but not for the bath, b/c he seemed more stressed with it on. The morning was full of craziness, it seemed like everyone who walked through the door needed x-rays, and there was a laproscopic spay (which calls for two techs) and we were short a tech. By lunch time, i was ready for a break. After lunch, I asked for help with the black labs nail trim. This is when we realized why he was a 'caution'
He didn't bite, but he flailed, and jumped and racked his back nails across my leg, and arm, and when we brought him to the ground, he slammed my knuckle against the concrete floor. My hand was bruised, my leg was on fire, and the way they had him down, I had to clip his nails. I was doing okay, but then i made one bleed...and then another...and i think there were a total of 6 nails bleeding by the time i was done. and one refused to stop bleeding!! All i wanted to do was go home!! :(
when the day finally ended, 15 minutes later than normal, i rushed home to change and then we were off to dinner with my in-laws. 'How was your day?' asked my MIL. 'TERRIBLE!' I replied.
After the hugs and hellos...'Do you want to have drinks now, or just wine with dinner?' they asked. 'Oh, I'll have a drink now!' I'm not sure how they all felt about that, but it was such a terrible day that I had decided that I'm done with the pleasantries...I needed a drink, and I was going to have it!!
Hoping Tuesday would be better was just a waste of time...it wasn't. I have such a stiff neck that I can barely turn my head. I ran this morning to try to loosen up, but the bruise on my leg actually hurts when I move! I ran for about a mile and then mostly walked back home. It was nice to get out though...best part of my week so far, I'd say.
Today, Hubby and i are both off, though he will be doing freelance stuff at some point. So I'm not sure what the plan is, but when he is off doing his work, I am planning on doing SOMETHING in my studio...even if i just cut and paste a bunch of stuff together, I have GOT to do something!!
Put some arnica on those bruises. They'll clear right up! (Not even kidding.)